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The State of Vermont

Develop a clinical measures data dictionary for EMS services, EMS Districts, and the State, consistent with national standards like NEMSQA.

Conduct a statewide scan of emergency and non-emergency services provided by all licensed first response and ambulance services, mapping response areas and identifying gaps or overlaps in service.

Survey the EMS workforce across the State, including personnel counts (full-time, part-time, volunteer), wages, benefits, turnover, and workforce supply-demand projections.

Conduct a statewide scan of the EMS education system, including course availability, instructor distribution, rotation sites, and program delivery costs.

Evaluate EMS response reliability across the State, covering performance in high-consequence incidents, mutual aid analysis, and interfacility transport reliability.

Gather revenue and expenditure data for all statewide first response and ambulance services, including appropriations, contracts, and projected budgets.