Evaluation Of Current Conditions
The project requires a comprehensive and objective review, and analysis of the existing EMS System (16 Townships and 7 municipalities, Dispatch, regional Hospitals in relation to EMS next level care) in Ross County including an analysis of system strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to establish a baseline, to make recommendations for immediate, short-term, and long-term system improvements. Each township and municipal EMS should be evaluated as they operate today including:
1 Organizational Overview
2. Facilities and Equipment Inventory
3. Staffing and Personnel Management
4. Financial Practices, Budgets. and Billing
5. Legal – Mutual aid or other agreements – Fire Districts
6. Funding, Tax Levy’s
7. EMS protocols, Policies, and Procedures
8. Response Statistics/Run Data Analysis
9. Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement
10. Training
11. Medical Direction
Evaluation of Cooperative Efforts and Shared Service Options:
The consultant, with the input and guidance of the steering committee (as well as existing selected EMS staff), shall identify, evaluate, and recommend cooperative efforts (functional, administrative, and operational), and feasible consolidation/shared services options
Feasible consolidation/shared services options (if any) shall contain an organizational framework, legal framework, personnel and equipment requirements, facility and location requirements, funding structure, and implementation matrix. The consultant will also formulate current metric categories with current performance ratings, to serve as a starting point to evaluate improvements as the project progresses.
The plan shall include the following general elements:
Demographics – analyze population distribution, density and its relationship to future demand projections.
Spatial Analysis, Mapping, and Coverage Gaps- Utilize ESRI platform to create reproducible and dynamic data and maps. County GIS and staff planners will be available for data and map production. Consultant to provide guidance to County staff as to mapping needs which may be different or in addition to that listed below.
1 Current Service Area Map
2. Call Location Density Mapping
3. Identify Coverage Gaps (network analysis based on travel time etc.)
4. Identification of Target Hazard Properties (commercial, industrial, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, apt complexes etc.)
5. Station Location Analysis, if necessary (depends on recommendations)
6. Current Mutual Aid agreements.
Review of Staffing and Squad Resources
Review of Budgets and Billing Services
Recommendations and Implementation Matrix
The plan shall include immediate, short-term, and long-term recommendations for system improvements. An implementation matrix will show recommended actions with a timeline, responsible party, and cost estimate.